

I have been brainstorming and searching for educational vidcasts. The kind that might appeal to teachers. It would be fun to do one, but I don't want to just repeat the same stuff others are doing better. Here is one such educational do-gooder: TILT TV (Teachers Improving Learning with Technology). I'll be adding this one to the links too.


Robert Sternberg

Came across some of Robert Sternberg's writings today. In There Is More to Teaching Than Instruction: Seven Strategies for Dealing With the Social Side of Teaching he joins other Yale-ites (and one U of Toronto Prof) in proposing a new element to educational curricula (or is it -ums?): Dealing with others. I wish this would have been a part of my educational curriculum -- seems practical. They boil down dealing with others into seven different catergories: avoid, confer, consult, comply, delegate, legislate, or retaliate. And they have developed some suggestions on how educational programs might assess students ability to deal with others. It's been interesting to reflect on my own teaching, and how I chose to deal with others in a variety of contexts. Good stuff.