
Distance Learning Retreat - Edutainment

The Distance Learning Department had our retreat today and I shared a little presentation on Edutainment. It's a huge, gigantic topic that really excites me. If anyone is using games or other interesting -- seemingly entertaining -- activities in their classes, I'd love to learn more about it. Collaborative web 2.0 sites are also included in this presentation as I tend to include them in the entertaining/social atmosphere of education.

The links won't actually work from this embedded powerpoint, but you can download the ppt file if you like. Or you can visit my diigo page where all of these sites will be listed, and more as I find them (filter on "edutainment").


Google browser and apps

While refreshing the Google Blog this morning in anxious anticipation of the Google Chrome web browser, I find myself doubly excited with the announcement of Google Video sharing:

You can learn more about video sharing and other innovative collaboration apps for businesses at www.google.com/apps/collaboration. And stay tuned for info about Google Video for schools and universities. It'll be available as part of Google Apps Education Edition on September 8.

Sounds good to me! I'm putting this on my calendar!