ScreenCastle | One Click Screencasting
ScreenCastle is a One Click Screencast Recorder and Hoster. You can record and share a screencast directly from your browser without the need to install software or register anywhere.
This was so very simple and user-friendly! One wish for preset screen sizes prior to capture. Still, very nice without this.
tags: screencasting, Screencast, Recorder, Screen, screencastle, tools, education
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments - Biological Experiments and Protocols on Video - Annotated
JoVE, Journal, Biology, Life Sciences, Video, Protocol, Protocols, Neuroscience, Stem-cell, Movie, Visualization, Experiments
tags: science, research, visualization, biology, education, experiment
GoView™ Beta : Home
Capture your computer screen and audio with GoView, then instantly share your recording online. Windows XP and Vista only at this point.
tags: screencast, tools, screencapture, goview, education, video
Art history supplement website.
tags: history, arthistory, museum, smarthistory, reference, timeline, education
argument map. set up an argument with visual bubbles.
tags: amap, visualization, writing, debate, arguments, education
Open Music Archive
Collection of tunes out of copyright. Search and download.
tags: music, audio, video, education
. The rest of my
are here.