EduPic Graphical Resource is a teacher designed free image resource for use by teachers and students. All images contained within are free for use by educational professionals and the students they serve without permission. All other use is by permission only. All other rights are reserved.
Livescribe paper-based computing platform includes a smartpen, dot paper and software applications that changes the way people capture, use and share audio and visual information with pen and paper.
A community/class driven step-by-step decision and argument web site. A compelling model for engaging students in a critical thinking project/series of events. Multiple perspectives are built in.
I was reading Dewey's Experience & Education while traveling in Europe. And this read was immediately preceded by re-reading Watership Down. The two fit rather nicely together - rabbits all learning through their experience of finding a new place to live. There are many educators who seem to be returning to Dewey's statements - and I think they are right to do so. Bruce Hammonds writes a nice summary. And then this video surfaced:
I do enjoy these old videos. Not so much for the content necessarily. I find them interesting propaganda of the past that often never really succeeded (sometimes for good reason).