A Sense of Purpose (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE
Nice interview with Michael Wesch.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
A Sense of Purpose (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE
Nice interview with Michael Wesch.
NZ Interface Magazine | If you can't use technology get out of teaching!
Teachers should focus on information and learning, not on the technology and simply getting ICT into their classrooms, believes David Warlick. How is ICT changing what teachers can do? Technology has done a lot but what's really impacting on teachers is how information is changing. A number of years ago I wrote a book called Redefining Literacy. It started out being a technology book but the
tags: teaching, technology, ict, education, professional development
WebTools4u2use - Presentation Tools
tags: presentation, tools, resources, presentations, slide show, education, ppt
FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools | SAP Web 2.0
Ever wanted to make presentations a more interactive, Web 2.0 experience? A prototype version of the PowerPoint Twitter Tools is now available for testing.
tags: twitter, powerpoint, tools, presentations, tool, education, comments, poll
Does the Brain Like E-Books? - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
How the reading experience differs between paper and screen.
tags: ebooks, reading, neuroscience, books, nytimes, Kindle, education, brain
DocVerse | Group Collaboration Bliss
I wonder if this could be used for Composition courses where drafts are the norm. If students have DocVerse, and invite their instructor and any peer reviewers. How seamless. Everyone needs Word though.
tags: Word, documents, collaboration, docverse, education, doc, Office
compfight + a flickr™ search tool
Find images for comps, inspiration or research.
tags: flickr, search, cc, creativecommons, photos, tools, photography, images, education
Pronunciation dictionary categories: Pronounced words thematically ordered
A different way to search pronounced words in all languages
tags: phonology, sound, words, language, pronunciation, education
nice layout of tutorials
BrainFlips | Home of the world's smartest flashcards
Learn anything with flashcards at BrainFlips.com. Create and study flashcards and share them with your friends and classmates.
HubbleSite -- Out of the ordinary...out of this world.
tags: astronomy, science, space, nasa, hubble, education, photos, images
Pics4Learning | Free photos for education
Thousands of copyright free and copyright friendly images and photos for teachers and students.
tags: photos, clipart, education, graphics, resources, images
draw and record voice narration. could be useful for math, accounting formula or problem solution sharing.