
iPad Screen Recorder

I really want these kinds of apps to flourish and improve. Haven't tried this one yet, but it stands apart with the addition of image importing.


It's free. Good price. I wish they would let me load the video to YouTube. Maybe there is a way.



Another whimsically named web tool - this time in the form of a Google Chrome add-on. If you spend any amount of time reading blogs or articles online, or half-reading blogs and articles, this will prove interesting.


Simply double click the text to highlight and mark where you are in the material. Return at a later time and find your spot. A web-based textual marker. I could see this expanding with more features... a library perhaps that would list all I am reading.


Remind 101

I'm not a big texter anymore, and maybe I never was - there was a period, while dating my now wife, when I gained some thumb typing skills, but now it's a fairly rare occurrence. That said, I still find it to be one of the best reminder type notifications - especially for those who use their phone a bunch. I've heard of enterprising instructors collecting cell-phone numbers of students who want to be texted about class activities and events. I've also heard of instructors weary of sharing their private phone numbers with students -- and I often sing the praised of Google Voice to those who will listen. With Remind 101, a slick alternative is available. Simply sign up on Remind101.com, share your class code with your students and they can opt in to receive reminders from you. Scheduled texts are also a feature. Looks promising.

Remind101 from remind101 on Vimeo.



I do enjoy a good productivity app with a silly name. This seems to meet both criteria.


No native mobile app, but they say it works on mobile browsers just fine.


The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons

Some excellent pointers for all the copy/pasters out there.

The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons


I was reminded recently how long it has been since last posting on this blog. Let's see if I can't turn this around a bit.

In my NyQuil induced coma last night, I had a dream or maybe it was a vision. I was sitting at a table or desk or perhaps it was a podium, but I was alone and reading a magazine. So chances are it was not a podium. A computer was present and in the magazine was lots of text. I would touch the text in the magazine and the computer would instantly take me to that page. That was cool. It seemed rather matter of fact in the dream. I would turn the page and the supporting content on the screen in front of me would shift to more relevant materials.

In the morning, I came across Crossfy.com which is kind of this idea except that we still need the mobile device to make the connection happen.

Crossfy - www.crossfy.com from Crossfy on Vimeo.