
Dig. Natives

There is much in the literature these days about digitally native students. I started reading Educating the Net Generation edited by Diana Oblinger and James Oblinger. I can only recommend the first few so far, but those first few are well worth the time it took to download.

But with all the discussion on the Net Gen. It seems I still hear from faculty that they fear moving to online environments because the students will not be able to utilize the high tech. It is a serious concern. Many of our students do not own computers and therefore are less likely to be digital natives. However, if we ignore these students lack of digital prowess we continue to do them a larger disservice. As there are reading and writing labs on campus, I would also like to see a digital skill building labs.

Help desks are great, but they do little to educate and build skills and confidence in the student. They solve the problem (hopefully) and the student moves on. Microcomputer classes are super, but only if students take them. I expect basic computer skills are a part of the grade school and high school experiences. If they are not, then plenty of students are being left behind.

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