Perhaps those who can perceive of time as anything other than linear, due dates would be an impossible concept to grasp. Perhaps that would be annoying, or maybe liberating. The linear prospects of time are such a pervasive element to our understanding of the world, that I have a hard time imagining any other way. But rather than changing our grasp of time, we can look at how we reflect on and relate to time in several different ways. Philip Zimbardo, author of The Time Paradox, has an interesting take on this:
Our different relationships with time might help to explain some of the disconnect instructors experience and when students have trouble meeting due dates. Our own relationship with past, present and future may help explain why we, as educators, feel so passionately about enforcing or relaxing late assignments and makeup policies.
A quick brainstorming session, came up with these reasons instructors include due dates in their courses.
- Assertion of authority -- Few would likely admit this, but I've certainly experienced the teacher who gains a feeling of importance when controlling others. The compliance with rules is often equal to a sign of respect for the instructor. Breaking these rules means disrespect. Questioning of rules is not permissible.
- Teaching responsibility -- The explanation (justification) I often hear with respect to strict enforcement of due dates is that college students are adults and must behave according to "real world" rules and expectations. Learning as job is the analogy -- students are workers and workers are held accountable for on-the-job mistakes: reprimand, payroll deduction, termination of employment.
- Better learning -- Thinking takes time and if students are asked to think deeply they will need time to reflect on content. Due dates purposely spread the amount of learning asked of students into realistic segments. If the student still cannot think fast enough to make the due date, they are often labeled slow, lacking motivation, lazy, slacker. And some students welcome these labels.
- Respect my time -- Feedback is the essence of instruction. The spread of due dates gives instructors the time to provide valuable information for further learning. Without the spread, and negative consequences for late work, instructors will not have time to communicate with the student.
And as a student, what is your preference for due dates? Most people I ask say they need dead-lines if only to make the goal real. Are you appreciative for the structure or rebellious against the authority? What is your preference for late work penalties? Do late penalties help success, learning? Would a clearer understanding of our own perception of time assist in the conversation?