The big announcements from Bb World 2012:
xpLor - a free external repository for standard compliant content, tagged and shared between ALL LMS products. Angel has it's LOR, but this is akin to a global LOR. Very interesting--a great way to promote sharing and more open educational resources. Other "xp" products to come (forums, calendar).
Mobile Learn license structure - cost to be passed to the student. Institutions can choose to partner/subsidize the app cost. A huge improvement from the tight bonds of a Sprint agreement.
Mobile improvements - (not necessarily for Angel version yet) Push notifications & Assessments! The assessment part I find funny, because I can't tell you how many Bb sales guys balked at my amazement tests were not in the app. They would explain it away in a condescending, mocking tone saying, "there are always a few fringe people who want to do everything on mobile, but most don't want testing." So, to all those sales guys, I hate to say it, but I told you so.
Publisher agreements - this is an interesting space, but as Angel users we don't seem to have it as easy. And that's really on the publishers to figure out or ignore. McGraw Hill have made some attempts - still not functioning at our college, but the thought counts.
I'll be processing some of the session information and post on that in the days to follow. Check my twitter feed (@fredandcharlie) to see some of the session notes I shared. BbWorld 2012 might be closed, but our minds are still open.