
Podcast Resc.

This is just the site to help bring understanding to the potential of podcasts:

Educational Podcast Network

Organization is a simple idea, but it can be so useful to our understanding of why and how things work... or can work. I wish I would have taken a picture of my upstairs work room to show you. It wasn't terrible, but there were stacks of CDs, piles of books, mounds of papers... get the picture? There was order, but the the order was too general. Paper was together, CDs were all together. This weekend I took some time to categorize my CDs into backups, software, learning, games, etc. Now, when I look at my CDs they make sense. I think podcasts are kind of like this. There are so many and we have so little time. NCQ Talk is one I try to listen to regularly (I still don't have an iPod or the sort so I can only listen at my computer) and they were responsible for sharing the link above. See if your content area has something interesting. I found one called Podcast Beijing!

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