

I was reminded recently how long it has been since last posting on this blog. Let's see if I can't turn this around a bit.

In my NyQuil induced coma last night, I had a dream or maybe it was a vision. I was sitting at a table or desk or perhaps it was a podium, but I was alone and reading a magazine. So chances are it was not a podium. A computer was present and in the magazine was lots of text. I would touch the text in the magazine and the computer would instantly take me to that page. That was cool. It seemed rather matter of fact in the dream. I would turn the page and the supporting content on the screen in front of me would shift to more relevant materials.

In the morning, I came across Crossfy.com which is kind of this idea except that we still need the mobile device to make the connection happen.

Crossfy - www.crossfy.com from Crossfy on Vimeo.