
Why I want to be a VIP BbWorld Blogger

Sharing - that's my platform. As bloggers, we share our thoughts and reflections and sometimes opinions with the world as it flies past on its high-speed Internet connection. As an Iowan, I know what it means to be flown over. Visits are rare, so when they happen, take advantage! Share experiences and knowledge and make connections with people.

At BbWorld, users, developers, administrators, vendors and executives gather to share an experience and make these connections. I want to capture these intersections of passion + excitement + ingenuity + intelligence and share them with a larger audience.

I like to blog in ways that entertain and inform. I'm an aspiring visual note taker and often post these doodles on this blog. Doodles like this one:

Doodle from Distance Learning Conference. Madison, WI
(Click the image for a larger view)

As an Angel administrator and trainer for Kirkwood Community College, I publish the KirkwoodLMS blog. As an instructional designer for Distance Learning, I join Emily McWorthy in creating our video blog: Technology for Learners and Teachers. And as a teacher, I speak with Nicole Forsythe in a new audio podcast/blog on EducationIS.us. I'm a blogger.

See you in New Orleans!