
Closing Brunch: Changing Learning

Brunch was very filling. I really eat too much when faced with a buffet. I just need to know what everything tastes like.

Elliot Masie came to us from his office in NY (a mighty fine office, I might add) via Adobe Connect (see previous post on virtual orientations). First, I found it interesting and annoying in that the people at my table wouldn't shut up. They weren't even bothering to whisper. I probably should have asked them to be quiet, but I was so curious why they felt it was appropriate to carry on their conversation when a virtual speaker (he couldn't hear them) was addressing us. I imagine this kind of thing happens all the time in our KTS classrooms. I hope students are able to ask other students to be quiet.

The speech itself wasn't exactly full of revelations. He did help me come to terms with a strange phenomenon I have noticed with our digitally native students -- they are not always very tech savvy. Instead they have "screen knowledge" - they know how it should work, not how it does work.

He has a website with a newsletter, and I couldn't help but notice he is sponsoring an entire conference dedicated to Learning Systems. Sure is timely.

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